Monday, July 25, 2011

Tale of the Green Knights!

I made a replica Playmobil Knights (Green Dragon Knights) shield for Otto's 6 birthday party. A simple 9x13 vanilla cake that was cut into the shape of a shield. Otto is super-into knights as of late, so this was perfect! Otto said "that was a great cake Mama, it is my are super-talented." ;-) Sweet kid!

I first made a template onto the foam core, and then cut out the cake using the foam core template as my guide and base. I shaved out a small portion on the inside of the shield's top (cook's treat) and then buttercreamed the whole cake, placing 10 plain M&Ms around the border/edge of the shield. I put it into the fridge to set up while I tinted my 1 lb of fondant into the appropriate colours. After, I took the cake out and covered it in black fondant first, then layered the light green on top (using water to adhere). I then (painstakingly) carved out the dragon symbol out and "glued" that on top with water. After this was done, I mixed some vodka and shimmering silver dust to paint onto the outside surface to give it some metallic sheen...dusted on some lustre dust for an over the top, voila!
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