Monday, September 5, 2011

Fillet-o-cake, Anyone?

It's a sockeye fillet fish cake for dad's birthday this past weekend.  Dad is (still) an avid fisherman and has already enjoyed a few weeks of sockeye fishing, even taking a few days off work for his favorite hobby.  So, naturally, it's a fish-inspired cake...I admit, I took a shortcut (no!) and used a pound cake from North America's favorite wholesale warehouse retailer where nothing comes small.  Hey, it's the holidays!?  Even I need a break ;-)

Anyway - to continue, I trimmed the cake horizontally on an angle to create the fillet shape.  I kept the top of the cake in tact since it already had the perfect dividing ridge!  Covered in salmon-tinted fondant and painted the salmon lines with edible silver dust.  Painted a darker "skin" layer under the cake, garnished with some fondant lemon slices, and Voila! A Salmon Fillet Cake.  Mom and Dad did a second take when I told them we're having fish for dinner ;-)

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