Friday, May 27, 2011

Chocolate Cupcakes...(mmmm)

Well, they were simple enough to make! I decided to dress them up each a bit differently. Plain ol' chocolate cupcakes, topped with some fluffy, rich chocolate icing...some topped with (equally rich) vanilla frosting. But they were begging for some accessories! So out came crushed Oreos, broken Skor bars, chocolate sprinkles, and white pearly dragees...and presto! They were ready for the party!

As a shortcut, I started by making a large batch of vanilla frosting, set some aside, and then I melted a generous bowl (probably around 1 1/2 cups total(?) of semisweet chocolate. I folded that into the remaining vanilla frosting, added about a 1/2 cup of sifted cocoa powder and a little tiny bit of instant espresso (for more 'POW!') and it made a very delicious chocolate frosting! It made for quick decorating!

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