Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Starry 7th Birthday

A cake created for my niece's 7th birthday party this weekend. Composed of vanilla cupcakes (20) on a gilded gold picture frame doubling as my cakeboard. My niece is quite the little artist and even did a study on van Gogh in an art class...thus the Starry Night cake (thanks Hello, Cupcake!). Free handed "drawing" with homemade vanilla frosting tinted in dark blue, light blue, yellow, light green and dark green. Not my cleanest work, but you get the idea anyway! It was good that everyone recognized what it was supposed to be!

Another "cake" for the afternoon kid's party for Mia's 7th Birthday. Sticking with the art theme, I decorated cupcakes on a palette to look like paint. Added a paintbrush made from a giant pretzel (Rold Gold) and chocolate tootsie midge bristles along with a cherry midge band for detail.

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