Monday, June 21, 2010

Cakes Cakes and More Cakes!

I thought I'd start keeping count of the cakes I've made . . . and since I've made 4 over the weekend alone, why not start now? I'll include a collection of cakes with photos that I have on file, but maybe I'll get clever and actually take pictures as I'm making the cakes next time!

I'm not a pro by any means...just a suburban 30-something with some time to play :-) I love watching Ace of Cakes. I read cookbooks as though they're novels. I love watching folks smile when I make them something cool. I can cook (sort of), I can bake (or at least follow instructions) and I like to draw/paint/take photos, etc. Cakes seemed like a natural part of the picture.

Here are the photos of my previous creations! Just click on the picture below:

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