Thursday, August 28, 2014

Cold Brew Coffee and Shaved Chocolate Ice Cream

I'm new to the world of ice cream-making thanks to a recent win of an ice cream maker (yeah, me!).  I have already made 4 varieties of ice cream!  Having experimented with both egg custard based mixtures and eggless...I have to say, I don't mind the eggless variety!  It is still rich and creamy, silky even, without the hassle of cooking it on the stovetop.  It's a bonus that the mixture doesn't require too much cooling because it means you'll have ice-cream that much faster (woot-woot!)

This latest batch is what I am super stoked about!  Pictured above is the Cuisinart Chocolate Ice Cream, simple and delicious, surprisingly deeply chocolatey.  Also pictured is my own take on Coffee Ice Cream.  It's inspired by some very excellent ice cream that I recently had at Salt & Straw in Portland...and I even cold-brewed the coffee...directly in the cream mixture! (it totally worked!!)  Here are the details:

1 cup whole milk
3/4 cups granulated sugar
1/4 tsp salt
3/4 cup freshly ground coffee (new fave beans are Woods from Seattle)
2 cups heavy cream
1/2 cup milk chocolate shavings (I used Lindt)

In a large mixing bowl, combine the whole milk, sugar and salt until the sugar dissolves.  Add the coffee grounds and stir to combine.  Add the cream and stir.  Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours (or overnight if you can!), stirring a couple of times if you can.

Pour the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve and into the ice cream maker container, being sure to sift out the grounds!  It's ok if the super-fine ones end up in the final product, you can hardly tell they're there.  Let the machine do it's magic (according to instructions).  In the last 5 minutes, add the chocolate shavings.  Combine thoroughly...enjoy straight from the bowl, or scoop into a container and freeze until solid. 

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